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Nations Royalty vs.
Traditional Royalty

Benefits Agreements

Benefit agreements are agreements established between Resource Companies and Indigenous Communities. They are legally enforceable multi-faceted agreements established to manage the predicted impacts of development projects and to secure benefits (i.e. financial, employment, training) for impacted communities.

Financial benefits included within Benefit Agreements can include lump sum payments or royalties.

Royalty Agreements

Nations Royalty will seek to acquire additional royalties and similar financial entitlements (referred to here as “Royalties”) on mining projects that are part of the financial benefits that Indigenous Communities derive from their agreements with resource companies.  These transactions will enable the Indigenous Communities to realize immediate value, typically in the form of cash and/or equity in Nations Royalty.  

These acquisitions may be structured in various ways in response to several factors including commercial considerations, tax, and required consents; however, regardless of the acquisition structure, the other rights and entitlements afforded to the Indigenous Communities in their Benefit Agreements will remain with the Indigenous Communities.

Innovative Concept

Allow for Indigenous Groups to bring forward the Value within their Benefit Agreement Royalties and retain the Net Asset Value (NAV) Multiples afforded to Royalty Companies.

Help build capacity for Indigenous people in Public Companies.

Management Team has strong expertise in Natural Resources, Indigenous engagement, and Benefit Agreement negotiation.

Value Proposition

Brings forward the value of royalties on to Indigenous Groups balance sheets.

Diversification of multiple royalties across Canada benefits both investors and Indigenous Groups.

Through share rather than cash transactions, use cash to pay dividends to shareholders.

Unique Opportunity

Competitive advantage as first mover in the Indigenous Royalty space.

Appeals to both natural resource and ESG-focused investors.

Over 100 Benefit Agreements for mining operations across Canada; vision to add many Indigenous Groups to be long-term shareholders.

Initial focus on Canada, with a vision to engage with Indigenous Groups throughout the world.

Charles Morven

Secretary Treasurer, Nisga’a Lismis Government

“To be a self-sustaining Nation, independent of Government transfer payments, Nisga’a will require Assets under Management of over $8 Billion.  We intend to grow Nations Royalty as a cornerstone Public Company and Investment.”

Frank Giustra

Major shareholder

“I believe that Nations Royalty will be as impactful in the mining and royalty space as when we founded Wheaton Precious Metals and introduced the concept of Metals Streaming in 2004”